What we fund
Providing the grant will be used for the welfare or benefit of the elderly or animals we will consider grant applications for the following projects or activities:
Capital projects which include building extensions, refurbishments and recreational spaces.
New minibuses and other vehicles that provide a vital service to those most in need in their local community.
Charities or CIOs (Charitable Incorporated Organisations) registered in England and Wales.
Certain organisations with exempt status such as specialist schools, scout and guide groups, housing associations, cooperatives and community benefit societies.
What we don't fund
We will not consider grants in the following circumstances:
Charities registered outside the United Kingdom.
Organisations were the charitable activity is conducted outside the United Kingdom.
Organisations employing full time fundraisers or commercial fund raising companies
Charities with an annual income of £1 million and over.
Newly established charities with no previous annual accounts.
Charities with no formal declaration of trust setting out the objects of the charity, governing trustees and how trustees are appointed.
Charities that have applied to us unsuccessfully within the previous 12 months.
Charities applying for a new grant before an existing pledged grant has been paid.
Total project costs of over £500,000.
We would not normally make grants in excess of £10,000 to any individual project.
Capital fees – building surveys, planning applications or feasibility studies.
Core costs – salaries, running and repair costs, websites and other IT programmes, rent, utility bills.
Medical or research medical equipment.
Charities with total annual salary costs in excess of £100,000